Happy Catholic Schools Week 2016!


Happy Catholic Schools Week! It’s a very special week. This week we celebrate the beauty that is Catholic education. I work in public schools observing student teachers and helping their practice of teaching get better. Our teaching credential/masters program is very selective when it comes to placing our student teachers. The resident teachers that our student teachers learn from are phenomenal. They are kind, energetic, passionate, hard-working, truly beautiful people in every way. I am very honored to work alongside of them and to learn with them.

However, I say all of that here, with a caveat. Catholic schools have a secret spice. And when you are in a public school, if you have tasted that spice, you know it is missing from the dish. It’s intangible and difficult to pinpoint. It has elements of community, faith, spiritual companionship, connection and social justice within the flavoring but it is also that invisible essence –  I call it grace…others may say the Holy Spirit is working.

Whatever it is, it makes Catholic education something very special.

Families of children with disabilities are often told that public schools can meet the needs of their child better.

Often they feel torn between choosing a school that has no faith component but because of Federal Law is obligated to teach their child versus the school with the Catholic foundation, the faith community and the tenets that believe that all children are sacred and holy and made in God’s image.

As a parent you make the best decision you can…and then you hope and pray…that the Catholic school will say yes.

Yes to your child.

Yes to disability and adjusting the view of what kinds of students belong in a Catholic school.

Yes to trying something new that feels uncomfortable and comes with no guide book.

Guess what? The parents received no guide book at birth.

They took a leap of faith and have been operating without any instructions the whole time. Sometimes they make a mistake…but most nights, they work hard to ensure that their child is cared for and given every opportunity available to succeed.

Mostly, they wrap their child in love…and hope it can be a blanket of warmth in a very cold world.

If a family approaches your Catholic school, say yes.

Without hesitation.

Without a board meeting or a meeting where we list all of the difficulties ahead…all of the potential problems.

Jump in and go for it.


Well, because that’s where the faith part comes in.

Because this is the most holy and divinely guided path I’ve ever been on…because God is with us always…and because that is what Jesus would have done.

Jesus would have said YES.

Mary would have said Heck Yes.

The Pope would say Of Course!

Our faith tells us Capital Y – Yes.

Inclusion is shrinking the margins…better yet, it’s standing on the margin and holding the door open so there is no margin left.

Yes, this can be hard…but what action that is worthwhile is easy?

Yes, mistakes will be made – on both sides. But that’s how things go when you begin to shift a paradigm.

It’s a pretty steep learning curve.

But, there’s learning happening…and love guiding the way…and we are on the right track.

Below, we show you some children who’ve had the blessing of a Catholic education at some amazing Catholic schools and yes, these kids are disabled or just learning alongside their classmate who has a disability…or they are related…because those siblings, they get caught in the middle.

Imagine how difficult it is for a family when a school says yes to one child but can’t find a way to make it work for the sibling?

Enjoy this video of Catholic schools embracing full inclusion.

It’s pretty beautiful.

Notice the secret spice…it’s delish.

And to those schools that have said yes and found a way to be inclusive…THANK YOU!

We are forever grateful.