American Martyrs Catholic School • Manhattan Beach, CA
✉ mmgrady@americanmartyrs.org - HEATHER SMITH, Kindergarten/Reading Recovery
Montgomery Elementary • Davis, CA
✉ hsmith@djusd.net - CARRIE LYONS, First Grade
Cooper Elementary School • Vacaville, CA
✉ Carrielyons2@yahoo.com ☏ (707) 592-7191 - AMY PLANK, First Grade
American Martyrs Catholic School • Manhattan Beach, CA
✉ aplank@americanmartyrs.org - LAURA TORRES, First Grade
American Martyrs Catholic School • Manhattan Beach, CA
✉ ltorres@americanmartyrs.org - MARGARET STANTON, Second Grade
St. James School • Davis, CA
✉ mstanton@sjsdavis.com - LISA BESAGNO, Third Grade
American Martyrs Catholic School • Manhattan Beach, CA
✉ lbesagnoo@americanmartyrs.org - CAROLYNE KENNY, Third Grade & Science
St. James School • Davis, CA
✉ ckenny@sjsdavis.com - JILLIAN CASTILLO, Fifth Grade
American Martyrs Catholic School • Manhattan Beach, CA
✉ jcastillo@americanmartyrs.org - SHARON VROMAN, Sixth Grade/Outdoor Education Experience
St. James School • Davis, CA
✉ svroman@sjsdavis.com - ROSEMARY HENDERSON, Seventh Grade
American Martyrs Catholic School • Manhattan Beach, CA
✉ rhenderson@americanmartyrs.org - KATHRYN BAGGARLY, Eighth Grade/Student Council
St. James School • Davis, CA
✉ kbaggarly@sjsdavis.com - CARRIE CENISEROZ, Art K-8 (retired)
St. James School • Davis, CA
✉ cceniseroz@sjsdavis.com - PEGGY VAN DYKE, Special Educator, ret.
President, FIRE Foundation • Kansas City, MO
✉ pvandyke23@gmail.com ☏ (816) 916-8925
- CAROL GUTHRIE, Director of Academic Support
Melbourne Central Catholic • Melbourne, FL
✉ guthriec@melbournecc.org - SUSAN RINALDI, Director of Expanded Services
Bishop O’Connell High School • Arlington, VA
✉ srinaldi@bishopoconnell.org - MARY DESMARAIS, Special Education Teacher
Bishop O’Connell High School • Arlington, VA
✉ mdesmarais@bishopoconnell.org
American Martyrs Catholic School • Manhattan Beach, CA
✉ cconnelly@americanmartyrs.org - MIKE DEELY
John Paul II High School • Hendersonville, TN
✉ mike.deely@jp2hs.org
American Martyrs Catholic School • Manhattan Beach, CA
✉ bhirshman@americanmartyrs.org - SISTER BERNADETTE McMANIGAL
Diocese of Arlington • Arlington, VA
✉ B.McManigal@arlingtondiocese.org - DAVE PERRY
Cristo Rey High School • Sacramento, CA
✉ dperry@crhss.org ☏ (707) 644-4425 x412 - SUSAN RINALDI, Director of Expanded Services
Bishop O’Connell High School • Arlington, VA
✉ srinaldi@bishopoconnell.org - SISTER STACY, Principal
Nativity Catholic School • El Monte, CA
✉ principal@nativity-convent.com ☏ (626) 448- 2414 - MARY PARRISH, Principal
Nativity of Mary Catholic School • Independence, Missouri
✉ mparrish@nativityofmary.org ☏ (816) 353-0284
- JOHANNA BARLUND, Educational Specialist (now living in Sweden)
✉ jcbarlund@gmail.com - SARAH BARNES, Educational Aide (working at an inclusive college program!)
UC Davis • Davis, CA
✉ kindofarunner@yahoo.com - ANTONELA CLUNIE-ROSS St. Apollinaris School • Napa, CA
✉ aclunies-ross@stapollinaris.com - LAUREN NIGGL, Educational Aide & Tutor for people who live with Down Syndrome ✉ lniggl@yahoo.com
- JOHANNA BARLUND, Educational Specialist (now living in Sweden)
- MICHELE BANISTER, Resource/Educational Support
St. James School • Davis, CA
✉ mbanister@sjsdavis.com - KIM CAMPISI, Inclusion Specialist
St. Apollinaris School • Napa, CA
✉ kimj1216@yahoo.com - JENNIFER CRANSTON, Inclusion Specialist, Deaf/Hard of Hearing
✉ jlcterp@gmail.com - ANNA LYNCH, Learning Center Teacher /Inclusion Specialist
Cambridge Elementary • Vacaville, CA
✉ lynchannam@gmail.com - BETSI MARINELLI, Inclusion Specialist
American Martyrs Catholic School • Manhattan Beach, CA
✉ bmarinelli@americanmartyrs.org - TONI VRDOLJAK, Ed.D., Inclusion Coordinator & Dyslexia, ADHD, and Inclusion Specialist
St. Mel School • Woodland Hills, CA
✉ TVrdoljak@stmel.org - KELLY NODA, MA, CAS Expertise in best practices for teaching students with autism in typical classroom settings
✉ kellynoda@gmail.com - KATIE RIERSON, Speech and Language Pathologist
Dreams Are Free Catholic School/St. Martha’s Catholic School which together form Bishop Nevins Academy
✉ krierson@dreamsarefree.org - MICHELLE REED, MSEd, LPC, BCBA, LBA
Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Licensed Behavior Analyst, Licensed Professional Counselor
Diocese of Phoenix Arizona
✉ michelle@behaviormind.com ☏ BehaviorMind LLC ( 602) 743- 7546
- MICHELE BANISTER, Resource/Educational Support