In 2017, Let’s Build A Path
January 1, 2017 By
Cheers to 2017! There is so much to be grateful for in this amazing year of inclusion in Catholic schools. So many advocacy organizations grew or even launched this year. Congratulations to One Classroom – the organization supporting Catholic schools and Catholic families in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri. http://www.one-classroom.com/ To the brand new […]
Gratitude in Motion
November 24, 2016 By
Happy Thanksgiving from The National Catholic Board on Full Inclusion! Wishing you the joy of time with families. Delicious food. Cozy moments. Peace. And a full heart. Today, we stop and consider all of our many blessings…but more than that, we honor the people who live their gratitude every single day. Thank you to those […]
Down Syndrome Awareness Month + Respect Life Month = Bending the Arc
October 25, 2016 By
If you have someone you love that has Down Syndrome, you spend the month of October smiling. Why? Because people with Down Syndrome are everywhere…all over the media, in my newsfeed on Facebook, written about in blogs or magazine articles. Everywhere people are sharing the joy and the light that is the fingerprint of people […]
Born Ready
October 13, 2016 By
Today we celebrate our first collaborative post with the CEO of Kids Included Together, Torrie Dunlap. A few weeks ago we were both lamenting the difficulties of creating an inclusive environment in our world and we both kept hearing the word “ready”…from The National Catholic Board on Full Inclusion’s side, the families are ready…sometimes the […]
Radical Hospitality
July 30, 2016 By
Just a few days ago, I flew to Jacksonville, Florida to speak at the 2016 Catholic Educator Conference on Exceptional Student Education put on by IBCCES (International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Services) and the Diocese of St. Augustine…in particular, it was spearheaded and created as the personal vision of Kelly Noda. She had […]