Who Are We?

Way back in 1999, our son Patrick was born with Down Syndrome and a congenital heart defect that would require open heart surgery at just nine weeks old. Patrick had an older brother named Jack who was six and an older sister named Mary Kate who was four. Jack was in our local Catholic school and … [Read more ABOUT US]
What Are We Working Toward?

The National Catholic Board of Full Inclusion has a vision of full inclusion in Catholic schools for students with disabilities. Our mission is to inspire schools to begin the process of becoming inclusive, to educate teachers, parents, principals and priests on what it takes to be an … [Learn more about OUR MISSION]
Patrick’s Inclusion Journey

From Our Blog

Undoing The Knot – One Action At A Time
January 28, 2021 By Beth
Greetings! It’s been a long while since there has been a post here…not because good works have stopped…or because inclusion has slowed down…but because the work has been ongoing and deep…think of it as a hibernation. A few weeks ago, I sat down at my computer hoping to talk about epiphany, growing in hope, leaning […]

A Pilgrim’s Journey
January 10, 2020 By Beth
Happy New Year! Happy New Decade! Our One Word for 2020 is JOY and we wish for each of you a JOYFUL year. **If you have any pictures of JOY happening at an inclusive Catholic school, […]