On our website we have a tremendous amount of resources and inspiration. But it gets buried easily…every so often we will share up front some of our nuggets. This letter I read 15 years ago when Patrick was an infant. I found it to be profoundly moving and the perfect metaphor for people with disabilities…they […]
TESP Global Summit 2015 is happening!
The Education Success Project (TESP) • Global Summit on the Education of Individuals with Disabilities Saturday, March 14, 2015 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Loyola Marymount University University Hall 1 LMU Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 The Education Success Project (TESP) and its partners, including the Loyola Marymount University School of Education, will convene this […]
Patrick’s Inclusion Journey
PATRICK’S INCLUSION JOURNEY • http://iseedavis.com/end-the-word/ Today, March 4th, marks the day to “End the Word”. This is a world-wide effort to stop using the word “retard” as a pejorative. I’ve worn my t-shirt with this logo for five years. If I were a classroom teacher, these would be my classroom rules. If you have […]
You Don’t Remember…
**This post was written over a year ago when I was reflecting on an act of kindness that had stayed with me for years. So many years later, that act of kindness ripples and reverberates and changes the world, still. On this Valentine’s Day, the National Catholic Board on Full Inclusion wants to remind everyone […]
In Praise Of Those Pesky Dandelions In The Middle Of Our Manicured Lawns…and Other Thoughts On The Pursuit Of Pefection
**Today’s post gives you a little insight into why our logo contains a dandelion…we believe in the wish, the potential, the beauty…but we live in a world that sees only a weed. The National Catholic Board on Full Inclusion is working to spread the message of beauty and hope through inclusion in our Catholic schools. […]
Dear 8th Graders
*** This post was written in February 2014, after the 100 Day Celebration for the 8th Graders. One of the students was telling me how grateful she was that Patrick was in her class and I revealed that Patrick was the only student with Down Syndrome in the Diocese of Sacramento who had been educated […]
Why It Matters
When Patrick was in kindergarten we needed some sort of incentive that he was willing to work for. We needed a pay out. Since I didn’t want an obese child, the pay out couldn’t be candy. Who am I kidding, Patrick is not candy focused, he’s all about the carb. He, for sure, would have […]
Stay tuned ~ Anecdotes are coming soon!
We are gathering stories from our site visitors about their journey to realization about the value and importance of inclusion. Please share your story with us! We would love to include it here. Thank you for visiting our site ~ National Catholic Board on Full Inclusion
Anything Can Be
** This blog post was written the night of Patrick’s graduation, Saturday, May 31st, 2014. ** Anything can be. Anything. Tonight is proof. 5,445 days ago a little baby was born. He had Down Syndrome…a heart defect and later leukemia. 5,445 days ago I didn’t know a thing. I was biased and prejudiced. Flattened and […]